Made by a woman for a woman.
The Vpod is an over the counter femcare product designed to assist women with vulva discomfort. Its use provides a safe and simple cooling solution for yeast, BV, menopause, and vaginal tear discomfort. We all have a comfort preference. Learn which pod is best for you.
Vpod FIRM - Stays in place
Vpod FLEX - Moves the way you want
Vpod SENSITIVE - Soft to touch
How Vpod Works
Place the unopened feminine pod in the freezer until the pod feels stiff.
Remove the feminine pod from the freezer and let stand for 3-5 minutes.
Wash hands, then tear the package to remove the pod.
With clean hands remove the feminine pod from the package.
Take the feminine pod and gently touch your vulva (outer lips of skin) to ensure the temperature meets your desired comfort.
Keep the feminine pod in place for up to 20 minutes (directly on the labia minora or in the center crotch area of your panties).
If additional relief is needed, repeat this process with a new feminine pod with 10 minute breaks between uses until desired comfort is achieved.
External use only. Do not ingest. If pod ruptures, clean skin and discard pod. Gel may be slippery. Do not flush. Do not reuse. This product is not intended to treat illness and is only used as symptom relief. Do not insert into vagina. Do not use with other silicone products.
Step 1: Remove the feminine pod from the packaging using your right or left hand with the narrow end facing your body.
Step 2: Rotate your hand with the feminine pod in a counterclockwise position (right hand) or clockwise position (left hand) with the round end facing your body.
Step 3: With a slight bend in your right and left leg proceed to place the feminine pod in between your Labia Minora and Labia Majora. See diagram at top of page.
Step 4: Repeat these steps each application step. Be sure to remove Feminine Pod prior to urination to avoid dropping in toilet.
Do not flush.